Kjøpmannsgata Ung Kunst, K-U-K, Trondheim, NO
November 19, 2021 - February 13, 2022

Agatha Wara, Anna Uddenberg, Cassie Augusta Jørgensen, Constantin Hartenstein, Eirik Sæther, Elizabeth Ravn, Ellinor Aurora Aasgaard, Change Aalrust, Erika Stöckel, Evelyn Taocheng Wang, Geumhyung Jeong, Gözde Ilkin, Hannah Ryggen, Hanne Lippard, Heji Shin, Isa Genzken, Julien Ceccaldi, Mahmoud Khaled, Manuel Kirsch, Matt Mullican, Nikhil Vettukattil, Nina Beier, Olga Balema, Samrridhi Kukreja / Tuda Muda Sidsel, Meineche Hansen, Simon Fujiwara, Yngve Holen, Young-Jun Tak, Özgür Kar
Thematically, the exhibition looks at life phases and the way they have changed in the light of social, ethical and technological development in recent times. With a special focus on body and identity, works of art from 29 artists with very different backgrounds and from all over the world will bring KU-K's exhibition space to life, while the institution takes its first steps.
The exhibition questions the essentialism of the phases of life - from birth to adolescence and beyond. At the birth of KUK, the exhibition looks at the institutional phases of life and their inverted, new definitions. "It's Just a Phase" thus carefully fine-tunes routine perceptions of life phases and their resolution into more fluid, swinging, changing, curious and performative proposals, and looks at how life blends into new ways of being, as a kind of ongoing birth of identity (nods, of course, in this case, a new showroom, a new institution, taking its first steps into a changing reality).
Thematically, the exhibition looks at life phases and the way they have changed in the light of social, ethical and technological development in recent times. With a special focus on body and identity, works of art from 29 artists with very different backgrounds and from all over the world will bring KU-K's exhibition space to life, while the institution takes its first steps.
The exhibition questions the essentialism of the phases of life - from birth to adolescence and beyond. At the birth of KUK, the exhibition looks at the institutional phases of life and their inverted, new definitions. "It's Just a Phase" thus carefully fine-tunes routine perceptions of life phases and their resolution into more fluid, swinging, changing, curious and performative proposals, and looks at how life blends into new ways of being, as a kind of ongoing birth of identity (nods, of course, in this case, a new showroom, a new institution, taking its first steps into a changing reality).
Stay at Home (2, 10, 15, 17, 19, 20, 22, 24, 34), 2020
gouache on paper
so Hangover, 2019
oil on canvas
Browsing, 2020
oil on canvas
photo credit Susann Jamtø
gouache on paper
so Hangover, 2019
oil on canvas
Browsing, 2020
oil on canvas
photo credit Susann Jamtø